The Mosaic alternative that actually understands your subscriptions.
Place lives at the intersection of your Revenue and Finance teams and helps everyone close the gaps between forecasted and actual bookings, billings, revenue, and expenses.
Make the right choice for your SaaS company.
Forecasting, Planning, and Analysis
Direct method cash flow modeling and reporting
Customizable capital expenditure approvals
Forecast headcount from revenue targets
Forecast revenue from open pipeline
Forecast revenue from sales capacity
Forecast commissions and vendor expenses
Model employee roles' effects on sales and costs
Build new forecast scenarios
Easily compare forecast scenarios
Drill-down into forecast vs. actuals and variances
Revenue Management
Automate billing and collections workflows
Multi-tiered invoice approvals
Support complex product configurations
Support complex billing scenarios
Invoice adjustments & billing exceptions
Handle co-terminus subscriptions
Manage prorated subscriptions
Reporting and Collaboration
Easily track new, retained, add-on, and churned revenue
View up-to-date accounting data within Salesforce
Automate revenue and expense schedules
Share forecast data within Salesforce
Use pre-configured metrics, or create your own
Securely accessible complete financial data
Investor-ready reports
View invoice payment status in Salesforce
Collaborate on overdue invoices
Architecture and Pricing
System designed for SaaS businesses
One system for RevOps and Finance workflows
100% accessible within Salesforce
Billing processes resilient to Salesforce changes
Consolidate across multiple accounting systems
No transaction or revenue thresholds
Unlimited Viewer (read-only) licenses at no charge
If your SaaS startup runs on Salesforce, then the choice is clear.
Place is the the only financial forecasting, planning, and revenue system for SaaS companies that's built natively on the Salesforce Platform.
Equip your go-to-market and finance teams with the connection they need.
Built on the Salesforce Platform, Place unifies SaaS go-to-market and finance teams, systems, and processes to drive stronger cash flow and increase customer retention.