Role: Finance & Accounting

Welcome to your SaaS financial control center

Whether your revenue model is based on licenses or usage, Place empowers strategic finance and accounting teams to become cash collecting, revenue recognizing, financial forecasting superheroes.

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Unify customer subscriptions, billing, revenue recognition, metrics, and planning

With Place, B2B SaaS companies using Salesforce Sales Cloud are able to orchestrate billing and subscription operations, automate and share important financial reports, metrics, and calculations, and collaboratively plan for the future.

Finance and accounting teams use Place for:

Managing Customer Subscriptions & Renewals

Ensure every customer renewal opportunity is built perfectly, and quickly identify renewal and expansion opportunities while empowering your finance team with the data they need.

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Invoicing Customers

Speed-up cash collections with a seamless order-to-cash process that automatically pulls the right data from closed-won Salesforce opportunities and drafts one-time, recurring, and usage-based invoices.

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Calculating Revenue Recognition

Eliminate revenue calculation hassles and reduce compliance headaches with configurable revenue recognition rules that make it easy to meet the latest standards.

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Reporting to the Board & Investors

Tell the story of your company’s journey in the most compelling way: with accurate, elegant, investor-ready reports and dashboards available on-demand.

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Cash Flow and P&L Forecasting

Empower your team to make more effective decisions by peering into the company's future using robust P&L forecasts and direct-method cash flow projections.

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Workforce Planning

Accurately gauge the potential impact of every hiring decision with a full picture of the revenue and expenses that each person added to your team will contribute.

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Analyzing Budget vs. Actuals

Achieve ultimate visibility into corporate budgets, forecasts, and actual historical financials to clearly identify variances and make important decisions.

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Financial Scenario Modeling

Build and compare scenarios to create new plans and to understand the best, worst, and most likely business outcomes in each scenario.

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Exploring SaaS Business Analytics

Gain instant insights into your company’s sales and financial performance with hundreds of on-demand critical business metrics, reports, and dashboards for the entire company.

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Consolidate your technology stack

Avoid adding yet another “source of truth” and maximize your investment into Salesforce. Install Place directly into your org and connect it to your existing accounting system.

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Close the gaps between people, processes, and performance

Create seamless handoffs between your new business and renewals teams and your finance and accounting teams to drive accurate billing, financial reporting, and forecasting.

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Align everyone on accurate metrics without friction

Easily measure and securely share your most current SaaS metrics and analytics at a moment’s notice so your team and investors can confidently reach towards new levels of growth.

Finance & accounting teams operate better with Place

Curious to know more about how you can use Place to turn your SaaS company into a true revenue-generating machine?

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